Personal, Qualified, Interconnected – We are at Your Disposal
You will profit from a personal contact to our experts. The partners as well as all experts at TSWpat! are highly qualified patent and trademark attorneys with long-term experience in the respective areas. All our patent attorneys have completed a high–quality education in natural sciences as well as additional qualifications in the relevant legal areas. As European Patent Attorneys they are registered as authorized representatives and qualify to represent clients before the European Patent Office.
Senior Patent and Trademark Experts

Brian Aeschlimann
MLaw University of Zurich, LL.M. Duke University
Trademark Attorney ASPTA / Attorney-at-Law

Alexandra Dieter
M.Sc. Chemistry TU Munich / Dr. rer. nat. TU Munich
Swiss Patent Attorney / European Patent Attorney
Registered Representative before the UPC

Christian Heusch
MSc RWTH Aachen / PhD TU Cluj-Napoca
Swiss Patent Attorney / European Patent Attorney

Oliver Horlacher
M.Sc. ETH / Dr. Sc. ETH Swiss Patent Attorney / European Patent Attorney

Gregor Kurt Rössling
MSc German Patent Attorney / European Patent AttorneyRegistered Representative before the UPC

Thomas Speck
Swiss Patent Attorney / European Patent Attorney
Registered Representative before the UPC

Anna Widera
MSc Chemistry LMU Munich / Dr. rer. nat. University Heidelberg Trainee Patent Attorney Patent Engineer

Jacques Troesch
MSc ETH / Dr. Sc. Nat. ETH
Swiss Patent Attorney / European Patent Attorney